Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Book

On Friday night we presented Steve with his book... Everyone did such a good job keeping it a secret. One person, who shall remain anonymous, did let it slip to Steve that he was getting a "picture book" - however Steve had no idea just how involved this book would be. Thank you to everyone who contributed. As you will see below, you made Steve's 60th Birthday extra special.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today is Steve O'Brien's 60th Birthday. He is spending it with his lovely wife! He will not be receiving his book until TOMORROW NIGHT. Please remember not to spill the beans if you give him a phone call or well wishes today. We have come so far keeping this a secret it would be a shame for the cat to get out of the bag a day early. After tomorrow though, I am sure Janie will show him this site so he can see the progress of putting this special gift together.

We love you Steve O'Brien!!!

Happy Happy Birthday!

Love, Dan & Misty - and Ian too

Monday, August 11, 2008


The finished book came via UPS today. It turned out so beautifully. We are all so excited for Steve to see it. Steve has chosen to spend his birthday, Aug 14th, with his lovely wife so his kids and grandkids and Janie's mom will visit him on Friday the 15th for a little dessert party where we will present him with this tribute book. Please remember to keep it a secret still when you see him! This past weekend a couple people almost goofed, including me!!!! :)

Beginning Sat, feel free to ask Steve about the book.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Book has Been Ordered!

We would like to thank Everyone who contributed something to this book. We had so much fun putting it together and reading all about Steve. Thank you so much for your help in making this a memorable 60th Birthday.

Copy and Paste the following link to view the finished product:

Dan & Misty